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Thread: Programs needed for sex?

  1. #1
    So I... Caboos001's Avatar
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    Question Programs needed for sex?

    Hey there guys, today during my computer drafting class I was messing around with Rhino 3D and ended up building the red base of my map, “Beachhead.” After building the base I became inspired to really get into map making. However I have run into a slight bump in the road. After about an hour-long download of H.E.K I began the installment process. Once H.E.K had finished installing I opened it up and clicked on the, “play” option. I was expecting some kind of large program to come up but instead to my surprise I was only taken to a website that was filled with tutorials and information on building maps. This web site had given me several links to suppose websites that would give me supposed programs that are required for map making. Well all the links given to me were ether broken or no longer existed leaving me empty handed.

    So my question for you here is this. Could any of you be so kind as to provide me with the links that I need in order to start my map making and begin on my map Beachhead?
    Last edited by Caboos001; November 21st, 2006 at 03:04 PM.
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  2. #2
    lol modacity Timo's Avatar
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    Re: Programs needed for H.E.K?

    You can't just "start" The halo editing kit. You can find sapien, tool and guerilla and your Halo CE root directory.
    Sapien gives you a game window so you can see your map, and lets you place a number of things such as weapons, spawn points, wind, etc.
    Tool is a command prompt based program and generally takes files and turns them into files readable by halo, for example it can take a .tif and turn it into a .bitmap.
    Guerilla is the final program that I can't really explain. I guess instead of opening up the whole scenario in sapien, you can open up individual files and edit them.
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  3. #3
    So I... Caboos001's Avatar
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    Re: Programs needed for H.E.K?

    I am fully aware of this now after trying to open H.E.K. Would you happen to have links to these programs, as stated in my topic this is all that I am looking for.
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  4. #4
    lol modacity Timo's Avatar
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    Re: Programs needed for H.E.K?

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition\Sapien.exe
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition\tool.exe (must be used via command prompt)
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition\Guerilla.exe
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  5. #5

    Re: Programs needed for H.E.K?

    Quote Originally Posted by Caboos001 View Post
    Hey there guys, today during my computer drafting class I was messing around with Rhino 3D and ended up building the red base of my map, “Beachhead.” After building the base I became inspired to really get into map making. However I have run into a slight bump in the road. After about an hour-long download of H.E.K I began the installment process. Once H.E.K had finished installing I opened it up and clicked on the, “play” option. I was expecting some kind of large program to come up but instead to my surprise I was only taken to a website that was filled with tutorials and information on building maps. This web site had given me several links to suppose websites that would give me supposed programs that are required for map making. Well all the links given to me were ether broken or no longer existed leaving me empty handed.

    So my question for you here is this. Could any of you be so kind as to provide me with the links that I need in order to start my map making and begin on my map Beachhead?
    First of all, I do not believe Rhino 3D (correct me if I'm wrong) can export your map to the file type it needs to be. The only programs I know of that can export to the jms format is Gmax, and 3ds Max. You can download gmax at or you can buy 3ds max.

    Second, using tool at first is a little complicated because you have to navigate in command prompt, etc. There is a modified version (hacked?) of tool that is a application with a user interface and windows explorer. It's a lot easier to use, and I recommend it. This does the exact same thing as tool, and it can be downloaded at, which also includes the 3ds max exporter, Hekplus, and a load of other things that are optional.
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  6. #6
    So I... Caboos001's Avatar
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    Re: Programs needed for H.E.K?

    Thank you very much guys. As for Rhino 3D was just messing around and seeing how my idea for a base would look in 3D and I must say it works well.
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  7. #7
    Could've Moved Mountains
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    Sep 2006

    Re: Programs needed for H.E.K?

    You could probably export it to a format 3DSMax will accept and then have someone import it or find a straight importer.
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