WIP - Some random human map
Eh, I was triyng to decide if I should show this now, or wait until more is done, but someone convinced me to show it now. Basically, its a human map set inside a hangar, with some rooms off to the side, blah blah blah. I'm trying to keep gameplay in mind while making this, so I need some suggestions. (I didn't make that space ship thats in there)
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Perhaps fill in the gaps where walls are, at which point I will be able to make out your layout, aswell as these things we call "detail".
Re: WIP - Some random human map
how about less mesh edits of low poly h1 campain stuff?
Re: WIP - Some random human map
weird reminds me of cario station for some reason?
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Looks cool. Hopefully it is just stays that size and doesn't expand into a coldsnap varient.:eek:
Re: WIP - Some random human map
lol, that does resemble a csnap/hugeass hangar.
put some stuff in the middle of those rooms for cover. it seems too empty atm.
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by
Looks cool. Hopefully it is just stays that size and doesn't expand into a coldsnap varient.:eek:
Ok, why would he do that. No one would play it then.
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by
Ok, why would he do that. No one would play it then.
Im just saying, because you never know...
Re: WIP - Some random human map
Originally Posted by
how about less mesh edits of low poly h1 campain stuff?
You mean just the door frame? And the blast door door frame...=/ Thats all I took from the game. Yeah I guess I should get rid of those. ;_;
Originally Posted by kennyownsU
Looks cool. Hopefully it is just stays that size and doesn't expand into a coldsnap varient.:eek:
It won't. :) Its just inside that hangar area and the rooms/halls.
Re: WIP - Some random human map
can you take better renders? mb put a wide angle cam in the map with better lighting?