I heard Pandora Hearts was pretty good. From my understanding though, the manga is much more expansive and detailed in terms of storytelling. Is that correct?
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I heard Pandora Hearts was pretty good. From my understanding though, the manga is much more expansive and detailed in terms of storytelling. Is that correct?
touhou 12.5 came out today. go get owned
I just beat 12.3 this morning on easy get troled get rolled, also Utsuho is the dumbest boss ever fc^k her
The storytelling is amazing in Pandora hearts. Makes me want to draw fan art almost lol. I've never read a manga with such an expansive story, it's so... expansive and detailed that if it ever comes to America I'd have to buy the physical mangas until the story completes, it's so epic. I've never read a Manga with a story that awesome before tbh... Nowadays most give at most a page of backstory and then with some stupid thing drops the people right into the 'action'. Not here, not here.
If I were the main character i'd probably kill myself from all that crap that happens. His DAD tells him his sin is his very existance! >.> Five out of five if you like story and mystery as well as a psychological thriller.
I tend to stick to the Seinen genre myself...I just wish there were more things in a similar style to Tsutomou Nihei's work, for it is win.
To anyone in the thread looking for some interesting manga: http://kotonoha.monkey-pirate.com/
These guys are scanlators (manga equivalent of fansubbers) who pretty much scanlate only indie and out of the ordinary manga. (None of it's licensed or available in the United States, so its legal)
Shin Getter vs. Neo Getter was glorious. Cough up 90 minutes of your time and watch watch a cowboy mech riding a flying horse fight a flying saucer piloted by dinosaurs.
I finished reading this whole thread. What the fuck, Modacity. What the fuck.
I think you should all watch Ga-Rei Zero.
It's like Ghost In The Shell with actual ghosts!
Even the first 5 minutes are pretty cool.
Great anime or greatest anime?
Something is wrong with you.
What the fuck.
But wait there's more! (and its NSFW)
Okay I'm done for now. :3
Ha ha, bottom panel anatomy drawings.
lolol, wtf
wow ultama you must be pretty zany to readt those mangas!!!!
I'm so confused. :gonk:
Best anime~
For those that are paying attention to the Bleach Scanlations, things are getting extremely interesting.
bleach is just naruto + dbz
very unoriginal
You can't compare Ichigo to Naruto, because Naruto has a goal in life
Villains in Naruto also have goals, unlike Aizen who's main mission is to trole every single one of Bleach's readers
a poem, based on naruto, in acronym formQuote:
(for god's health fight good healing;
go hunt deering for homely dringents finally gundam;
anal sex rough time;
Cancerous neverending shounen, oh god kill it.
Less weeaboo. More radiation.
Pretty good trade I'd say.
q: what business does an old beardedpoliticiananyone have hating on animes
a: appearing hip and edgy to the rossmum youth
nuke anime
nuke canada
He should make a troll apology via facebook.
nuke lucky star
(mildly excited)
(holy shit captain harlock too oh my gosh)
That's pretty awesome. Definitely looks darker than its source material. :o
Graphics are like Crysis, which owned :) Looking forward to it the_lag !
Angel beats: http://www.angelbeats.jp/movie/pv06.html
*literally spazzing*
I'm not sure who these cast of characters remind me of???
you wont watch it,
that looks like a good show
that looks like a really good hwowssQuote:
Angel Beats! takes place in the afterlife, and follows the main protagonist Otonashi, a boy who lost his memories of his life after dying. He is enrolled into the afterlife school, which exists as a middle ground between heaven and earth, where students learn to give up any lingering attachments they still have from life before finally going to heaven. While the injuries or cause of death is gone, those in the afterlife school still can feel pain or other things as they did when they were alive. Otonashi meets a girl named Yuri who invites him to join the SSS—Shinda Sekai Sensen (死んだ世界戦線?, lit. Afterlife War Front)—an organization she leads which fights against God. The student council at the school, led by the student council president and angel Tenshi, is in charge of keeping the status quo and serve to fight against the SSS.
I'm watching anime right now.
Me too
So who here has seen Boku no Pico? That's some good shit right there.
Is angel beats dubbed in english. I actually was interested in it...
Since it started yesterday, the dub won't be out for another 2 years. Maybe 1-1.5 if Funimation gets it.
No, it isn't. In fact, its just airing in Japan, and the best that will be available to you for the next few years is a fansub version... which ironically, will probably be better than the official localized version in terms of A/V quality and sub work. The dub is probably going to be hideously mediocre anyway, so I'd just go for a fansubbed version. :bunchies:
What the FUCK is Mkv and how to I convert it to mp4.
NVM. TVC was acting weird. It's encoding now.
God damn. It converted it but there are no subs.
What the cr&p is TVC player
VLC and Media Player Classic are the best, but VLC is a little buggier~
TVC is a converter. I wanted to put these on my ipod.
Ahh. Well I wouldnt know how to keep subs after converting then sorry :s
That's a pretty good show. How many episodes are out so far?
Welcome to waiting for animes to come out and be subbed.
At least you're watching something guaranteed to get 50,000 fansub groups, as opposed to some shows that go years without a proper sub job let alone a US release.
Watching me some bobobo.
...It's only okay though. So far.
I watched the first episode of angel beats and it owns. It's like dead-person-Haruhi.
yeah if you're into bad shows i guess that would "own"
how shallow-minded..
He just has good taste.
I didn't watch it.
Wasn't bad. Reminds me of Yu Yu Hakusho and I liked that.
But I'm not a hardcore weeaboo so what do I know?
I'm not watching any animes right now.
Someone fix that.
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Watch Shinji scream for 26 episodes straight also Asuka is the strongest
so many shows so little time ;[
when you are done watching cowboy bebop, check out samurai champloo
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann - super robots 101; baby's first shit mech fanbase
Neon Genesis Evangelion - the effects of christ, depression and freud on super robots; the effects of pussy boys on the end of the world
Armored Trooper VOTOMS - the effects of realistic robots on cool stories
Code Geass - the effects of modern anime on VOTOMS
VOTOMS: The Pailsen Files - the effects of Code Geass on VOTOMS
Dai-Guard - the effects of reality on super robots
The King of Braves - GaoGaiGar/GaoGaiGar Final - super robots independent study
Mazinkaizer - super robots independent study continued
Shin Mazinger Z - the effects of troll villains and good endings on inconsistent shows
New Getter Robo - the effects of gratuitous violence on kids shows
Shin Getter Robo: Armagedon - the effects of getter rays nuclear holocaust
Shin Getter vs. Neo Getter - the effects of cape-wearing mech cowboys riding flying horses with lassos on ufos piloted by dinosaurs
Armor Hunter Mellowlink - the effects of amazing atmosphere on revenge stories
Gunbuster - history of some shit or other
RahXephon - the effects of evangelion on the anime industry
Or if mechs aren't your thing.
Cromartie High School - there's an episode about trolls and another episode about a gorilla that runs a sushi restaurant
FLCL - wack shit
Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-Chan - somehow i don't think inferno would like it but there's lots of sex jokes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Higurashi no Nafuckshit - the effects of murder on children
Haruhi - if you like it kill yourself (it's actually ok at first though)
Cowboy Bebop - it's pretty good and cool
Outlaw Star - i've heard it's pretty good and cool
rewatch haruhi, aka the only good anime
kampfer jk it's p painful to watch so i dont.
You're like 15 you can't be watching those types of shows unless an adult is w/ u!