Otaku (o-tah-ku): A fan on an extremely obsessive level. In Japan, a derogatory term. Used anywhere outside of Japan, otaku automatically refers to an anime obsession
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Otaku (o-tah-ku): A fan on an extremely obsessive level. In Japan, a derogatory term. Used anywhere outside of Japan, otaku automatically refers to an anime obsession
FFFFFF your kind's recursive logo pisses me off. You fucking plutocrats, you're the jews of the universe.
Gtfo you moneygrubbing caldari space-jew never come here again.
ontopic edit:
i'm on a serious anime drought. SUGGESTIONS PLEASE.
I watched alot of anime in korea, forgot what it's called but it's about this dude with a sword and these 2 girls fight over him.
something to do with tenchi...
I prefer Black Lagoon or Love Hina, that's the only ones i watch now..... rarely anything else,
but i do play alot of "anime" themed games: s4 league, tales runner, etc.
Oh, one more thing:
does this happen in your school:
some obsessed over vampires/deathnote/asia chick/guy
has a "deathnote" notebook, and goes around and writes people's names in it and how they die? Cause in my highschool, a crazy chick has my name in it after i "borrowed" it.
Made me Lol, cause i was gonna get killed by a vampire at a clock tower...
and then one day i stumbled upon hentai, and it's pretty much crazy shit you'll never see in real life.
unless someone actually trains an octopus to do....
sup rothy poo.
all about bReach bro.
oh god AMV's :gonk:
Bleach is good, and screw anyone who says otherwise.
So anyway, animes. TEHZ0R
The last one I posted about in here was GaoGaiGar, which means there's quite a bit I've seen since then. I have now spent my time on...
-FLCL (worth it)
-TTGL (worth it)
-GGG/GGGF (worth it)
-Evangelion (worth it)
-Lucky Star (heh)
-Code Geass (worth it)
-RahXephon (not worth it)
-Gunbuster (not worth it)
-Haruhi (actually this shouldn't be on here because I stopped watching it like 5 eps in) (also not worth it)
I also attempted to watch Shagukan no Shana, but I was a bit (read : very) put off by the first episode. Maybe I'll try it again sometime.
-Haruhi (actually this shouldn't be on here because I stopped watching it like 5 eps in) (also not worth it)
Oh, my problem wasn't with that. Teenagers fighting a computer virus that has manifested itself as a giant cricket in a desert and possessed a computer nerd which was created as a result of a doodle was just too much for me to swallow. The whole "L O L we're using our secret superpowaz to play baseball" was also a major turnoff for me. When that stuff got involved my willingness to suspend disbelief for what started out as a comedy was stretched too far. I understand that there was supposed to be an element of irony in that, but when said irony makes the show unenjoyable it's not worth it imo.
Where's POKEMON>.
Anime can be believable and good.
Cowboy bebop is an example of an Anime I like because, while some of it is implausible to say the least, it's not totally ridiculous.
Mecha on the other hand is a total turn off.
Are you trolling the anime thread? Seriously? http://innergoat.modacity.net/stuff/...mot-ohdear.pngQuote:
-Haruhi (actually this shouldn't be on here because I stopped watching it like 5 eps in) (also not worth it)
I also attempted to watch Shagukan no Shana, but I was a bit (read : very) put off by the first episode. Maybe I'll try it again sometime.
cry more, it just wasn't my thing :\Quote:
Originally Posted by youszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
STOP, do not trole http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c2...mot-ohdear.png
LOL. Oh god that's awesome.
You rage you loose.
Why must Hollywood continue to rape good things?
I totally forgot about that upcoming movie. Then I saw Keanu Reeve's profile.
Then I lol'd.
Why does everyone like Death Note? I mean honestly. I found it to be annoying. Like, I understood that Light had gone mad with power within the first few episodes. Then it just got horribly dragged out. Then L dies... and like, I pretty much lost all interest in it. I watched all of it... and I can honestly say it wasn't that great of an Anime.
FROM MOVIES BLOG: Last month, MTV caught up with Keanu Reeves about his dream project — a live-action remake of the anime classic, “Cowboy Bebop.” Reeves confirmed that he and Fox were “trying to do that” and that a writer was attached. Now, The Hollywood Reporter is confirming that Reeves is set to play Spike Spiegel, and that Peter Craig is writing the script. No director has been named.
Edit: Yes I know, that was announced back in January... but seriously... Keanu Reeves?... No.
Your wrong, lots of people don't like death note. Death Note is only really liked by the "anime noobs." (which I used to be, but even then I started to hate it after a while)
He's saving you the pain of watching something awful. :haw:
Ive never watched Death note, seems like it sucks to I think i saved my self some hours. :)
The last anime I saw was Devil May Cry, really aswome, too short though.
I watched an episode of death note.
Some guy was getting other people to KEEL DEM SAELVES, everyone was all "omfg some guy is killing people" and others were like "yeah but he's a good guy he only kills badys".
I was impressed that I managed to sit through the episode. :yawn:
Death Note is a shitty anime. 'Nuff said.
Anime adaptations of video games?! That are good?!
No, I don't count visual novels as video games. >.>
Say sonny, you might want to watch a better anime. Please? :(Quote:
Originally Posted by Anime News Network
For me? :(
Not sure if this has been brought up, but i think
"spirited away" is one of the best ones,
-It's not superbly perverted like the modern ones.
-It has nice animations, not like naruto where it repeats certain animations.
-It has a nice storyline, and no random shit, like that bobobobobobobo one...
-You can understand it by watching it once.
Three posts in the same thread in the same day woo. *cracks knuckles*
In my opinion, Spirited Away, and most of Miyazaki's works for that matter are absurdly overrated. Sure they're imaginative and well written, but they just haven't left me feeling like I've experienced something that will stick with me, like most other good anime I've watched have.
Heh. Not all modern anime are like that. Since the Japanese are indeed the Japanese, they practically feel obligated to put fanservice in of some kind, which is why you see so many innuendos in anime. It really depends on the anime you're watching though. All of the good anime don't suffer from this, but there might be a tiny bit of fanservice.Quote:
-It's not superbly perverted like the modern ones.
Lol, most good anime have good animation. Naruto however is not a good anime, nor are its production values even remotely high.Quote:
-It has nice animations, not like naruto where it repeats certain animations.
There are a lot of shit anime out there with shit storylines. Sounds like you've been subjected to a lot of shit ones. Its just a matter of watching the good stuff.Quote:
-It has a nice storyline, and no random shit, like that bobobobobobobo one...
-You can understand it by watching it once.
Look at all these ignorant people. :smug:
There were a few shower scenes :P
Still nothing close to "superbly perverted". If you've ever seen clips from an ecchi then you know what superbly perverted is.
ATTN n00b the swamp creature:
Watch a few seconds of Ikkitousen, Grendaier and Rosario + Vampire for tame-ish ecchi and then watch the first few minutes of Elfen Lied or Gunbuster for full blown fanservice.
You'll be wondering why Cowboy Bebop even tried to put a little bit of fanservice in. :haw:
Ha ha...
Watching Clannad. Only watched the first episode. Crap keeps coming up and not letting me watch it. <:mad:> But so far I like it.
'nuff said.
Clannad is a great series. It is generic and moe as hell, but works within that extremely well.
Shit, this is seriously well-done. I like it when people break the norm for things that are otherwise shitty (in this case, actually putting time into selecting an appropriate song and video editing instead of placing random scenes together with some Linkin Park song.) The way the visuals from the last episodes call to mind the original music video for Crazy is a nice touch... And regardless of if you like Eva or not, the remix is pretty good.
Want to rewatch Evangelion now, but I know the LOL CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT will ruin it for me again.
Was looking for a Korean hip hop singer that was titled "bounce with me" the music video...
and this is what i found:
Viewer Discretion Advised.
Really good made besides the perverted-ness.
I love any kind of anime where the female lead characters have huge breasts.
@ All who watched the Clannad anime.
The visual novel translation is nearing completion, which you may want to play seeing as many people say its way better than the anime. Oh and before you ask, yes the anime was based off the VN.
@ Jelly
It may be just me, but the character development never bothered me. If I remember it correctly, it was usually well done, sooooooooooo... :confused:
@ lag
That kicked ass. I've also stumbled upon some really good AMVs, one of them being for Eva as well.
DJ Sharpnel Makes awesome stuff. %)
Say it ain't so. :(
Was that.... even a song? 0_0
DJ Sharpnel is awesome, I have all of their albums. They have a lot of good tracks. Main site
Clannad? http://i.somethingawful.com/forumsys...ot-psyduck.gifQuote:
I... really didn't see it that way. The animation wasn't the best, but it wasn't what I'd call "horrific" either and a few scenes were exceptionally well-done even by today's standards. Yeah, the elevator and holding Kaowru were a bit much to swallow, I'll give you that. The angel designs were also pretty uninspired compared to say, the enemy designs from GaoGaiGar (which at least proved pretty unique even when they were kiddie show monsters of the week), but then you never saw much of them anyway and when you did they weren't usually as bad.
...Unless you're talking about the last 2 episodes when they were running out of money, which I don't think should leave such a large impression on someone's opinion of the series.
Nor did I find the "teen angst" to get in the way - it was just how Shinji (and later on Asuka) developed as characters and I was willing to deal with it. I don't think you don't have to like a character or their attitude towards life to enjoy a series; I actually enjoyed hating the protagonist for a change. I guess I just don't see it as a fault.
heh, ultama takin animes serious
Stpo, do not taunt weeaboo!
Code Geass was ok. I think it was alright, but I couldn't stand how everyone looked. I haven't seen the second season... so I don't know what's going on with the series. But judging off the first season, it wasn't bad, just didn't like the art style. Just me though.
okay, so I have been playing the shit out of this game called Princess Waltz.
Yeh, its an H-Game or whatever name you choose but the sex scenes are rare and I gotta say, the story is damn interesting, and in a few occasions I was way too into it.
So...are there any plans to make this into an anime or anything?
Because its fucking good.
Since I feel like ranting I will explain the premise a bit.
Prince needs a woman. Princesses "waltz" for the kings hand. Waltzing is badass sword fighting called "dancing." They wear "dresses" which are armor that is powered by the tiara they wear. The goal of the fights is to either destroy the tiara, knock it off, or kill them.
Bleach-esque sword battles and some damn good plot twists. At one point you get to thinking the main character is EXTREMELY dense but its still good.
Lol Heathen. Looks like you're playing your first eroge/visual novel. That annoying main character syndrome is a product of many eroges. Its almost stereotypical of them... If you like Princess Waltz, you're really going to want to play some other VNs, because in reality, Princess Waltz is only the tip of the iceburg. ;) Good VNs/eroges are pretty much known for amazing story lines.
When your done with Princess Waltz, you may want to check out one of the following:
Saya no Uta
Fate/Stay Night
Kana: Little Sister
You are too young to be playing those games!
It's u. Ur to young to play da games.
reposting snafs image for epic justice.
book marking page
Rofl. no, I have played a few before. Sagara family and the likes, but those were too cut and dry for me. This one is actually pretty good.
Also lol, everyone I have EVER played, the main character wakes up in the very beginning.
Infinitely better imo.
Hell yeah.
I've played Tsukihime (incredible...and porn), Wanko to Kurasou (catgirl porn, which was very interesting...until the porn), and Saya no Uta (very good, except it seems to be degrading into porn...) God, it's all porn.
So just right quick,
1. suggest me a hentai with good story.
And I don't mean a decent story.
2. Suggest me something darker and awesome without censorship. Like Elfen Lied.
Uhhhh you aren't really going to find a hentai like that. The best you'll find in terms of a of hentai and story is in eroges, and most hentai eroge adaptations suck. There defintely are some hentais with good stories though... try Kite or Mezzo Forte. I've heard those are pretty good and dark.
Oh and Elfen Lied had censorship. :v:
Elfen Lied was also a pretty bad anime... atleast imo. :S
also Pendulum arc was :O!!!!
Lol B(R)leach.
GAH NOES!!!!!!!!
all the sites we download it from have got all the links messed up!
Here's the funny thing Jelly!
(I beat you to tellin' peoples :smug:)
It broadcast on May 22nd, and Bod was the only person to post in this thread at that time so uh.
Stop mucking up my thread, guyz.
so whats with FMA Brotherhood?
I'd started watching it thinking it was a continuation, then Hughes is still alive.
Is this sort of a chronicling of what happened during the series's jumps?
Nope, its a remake of the series. Rather than diverging from the manga, it follows it.
So its the Manga in Anime form.
So...are we gonna see the same events from the first season also? Like Rose and all that jazz? First episode was movie epic btw.
There are 5 episodes on Hulu btw.
and with Hulu Desktop, its awesome.
I prefer the 720p fansubs. :downs:
y u meh????!!?!?!