okay, so I have been playing the shit out of this game called Princess Waltz.
Yeh, its an H-Game or whatever name you choose but the sex scenes are rare and I gotta say, the story is damn interesting, and in a few occasions I was way too into it.
So...are there any plans to make this into an anime or anything?
Because its fucking good.
Since I feel like ranting I will explain the premise a bit.
Prince needs a woman. Princesses "waltz" for the kings hand. Waltzing is badass sword fighting called "dancing." They wear "dresses" which are armor that is powered by the tiara they wear. The goal of the fights is to either destroy the tiara, knock it off, or kill them.
Bleach-esque sword battles and some damn good plot twists. At one point you get to thinking the main character is EXTREMELY dense but its still good.
Lol Heathen. Looks like you're playing your first eroge/visual novel. That annoying main character syndrome is a product of many eroges. Its almost stereotypical of them... If you like Princess Waltz, you're really going to want to play some other VNs, because in reality, Princess Waltz is only the tip of the iceburg.Good VNs/eroges are pretty much known for amazing story lines.
When your done with Princess Waltz, you may want to check out one of the following:
Saya no Uta
Fate/Stay Night
Kana: Little Sister
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