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Thread: Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast

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    Modding Meelee (extending distance) - Snowcast

    Hey so I'm new to modding Halo CE maps.

    I'm running a Zombie server and I've found a great map (Snowcast) but it has Halo1 weapons which have terrible meelees.

    So I need one of two things for it to work (preferably number 2):
    1) Extend the meelee distance - but I can't find which program would do this?
    2) Import Halo2/3 weapons (or just import the weapons from CMT Snow Grove) - IDK what program does this either..

    Can someone do this real quick? Or can someone tell me how I can do this if nobody else wants to?

    Could someone help me at all on this?
    I know you probably get bugged with modding questions all the time, so I do appreciate anyone who's willing to help me out.

    Last edited by POQbum; January 29th, 2010 at 01:53 PM.

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