Here are a number of ideas I like-

Note that these are mostly server sided/mp related.

Include a chat filter that can be set either client or server-side. I tested something with intercepting chat messages with igm bitidork a long time ago, the idea seemed to work. Just need to dig up the stuff for it.

Add server-app abilities ie recognizing an admin based on hash, allowing chat commands to run.


I like the idea of giving an admin have the ability to lock a player into a certain part of the map. Would allow for mappers to design maps for observers, I think some rp-ers would have fun with it, or perhaps having an approval server where you can join and watch but you can't play in the main part of the map without approval from an admin.

Have this lock be set to anything admin wants, all commands related to hash- admin could use some command like "lock_players <command>"

Where command: <unrecognized hashes> or <specific hashes only>. Would need to check if the hash is even in the game so it doesn't kill performance on busy servers.

Changing the location of spawn point to a cutscene camera location via script. Because server tells player where they are I don't see any issue with it..

Going to try out changing some values like textures on certain items.

Need to find out where to get player actions because I don't want to test what buttons are being pressed for certain things.