Hello, I'm guest posting on this account. My usual nick is Moto7451 over at OCForums.
Using your Air Conditioner to cool the inside of your case is actually a good idea. I have a feeling that you may be thinking that this would cause condensation, but this is not the case. Think about it, a cold drink on a hot day forms condensation but a hot drink on a cold day day doesn't. In this way the CPU becomes the hot drink and the A/C makes it a cold day, and dry (air conditioners remove water vapor from the air), inside the case. It's a great way to lower your CPU's temperature. Remember, every degree you reduce the ambient temp, you reduce the CPU's temperature.
From a human comfort stand point... maybe not the best idea but it won't cause the room to be very warm.
Hello i am kempez over at OCforums nice to meet you too.
See how easy it is to just copy the sites link from the picture and look up a username and try and act like them?
Please dont confuse yourself with the thought of a air conditioning unit being a viable way to cool a computer system might cool it down but it's just not preacticle unless your impatient/foolish enough.
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