What the hell is a "RaidMax"?
It's a Shitty™.
$5 (not even shitting you) Gemini Cool CPU waterblock with an Apogee GT mounting bracket. Gemini cool doesn't exist anymore btw.
Laing D4 (second hand, got it for $30 off the OCF classifieds)
Dual 120mm rad, forgot the manufacturer.
Coolant is a mixture of Pentosin (very very poisenous =D), Iodine (very very small amount, forgot how much because I mixed it a year or so ago) and distilled water. I think at some point I'll get a blue highlighter and dip it in there to make it all UV reactive xD.
It's all rather old, I haven't had the time or money to update it, but it still performs great. Damn near ambient temps...at...2.2ghz...
Fuck you Gigabyte. FUCK YOU.
Last edited by legionaire45; September 9th, 2007 at 04:52 AM.
Shitty pictures due to shitty camera, one of these days I might get a real camera...
E6600 @ 2.93 (currently droped due to new PSU)
8800GTS 640MB OC'd to GTX speeds
2GB DDr2 800
ASUS P5W DH Deluxe 975X
Creative X-Fi Platinum W/ I/O Bay
Sennheiser HD555's
22'' Westinghouse and 17'' MAG LCD for 2960x1050 res
Two 320GB, 2 80GB, and 1 250GB HDs for 1TB+ HD Space
Last edited by Atty; September 9th, 2007 at 09:01 PM.
Here's my setup:
Left monitor is a 19" Trinitron Dell monitor at 1600x1200 resolution.
Right monitor is a 17" Trinitron Dell monitor at 1280x1024 resolution.
Keyboard and Mouse:
The mouse is just a standard Dell mouse. The keyboard is an HP Multimedia Keyboard.
My computer is a custom built with 1gb of ram (256x4 RDRAM). nVidia 6600GT AGP, 1 IDE 250gig and 4 SCSI 38gig HD's.
Picture of Desktop
Lucky me, this computer was a gift. My computer before this was ancient. 166mhz Pentium 1. 128meg of RAM in 3 separate sticks.
It's an already opened G965 board, which I accidentally grabbed instead of the P965 one. The store didn't want to accept it back since it worked fine -___-.
I've tried upping the FSB by 50, 100 and 150 mhz, neither of which worked. I've also tried upping the voltage and replacing the northbridge heatsink, which didn't help. It's just stubborn =(. Apparently I have one of the better boards though, most won't go past 280 or 290 while mine hits 320 before the SATA chipset conks out and it won't boot.
Well, if we are talking about its overclocking ability, then no, the Pentium (Or Netburst as I will refer to it from here on out) is not "ultra fail", it does its job quite well. In fact the whole idea behind Netburst was to overclock it, or well clock it higher because factory clocking wouldn't be considered overclocking. The Netburst was designed back when there was the massive GHz war and when the more GHz the more "power" your processor had (at least to the average consumer, but thats still the case now because they think higher and more numbers means more performance not taking into consideration anything else like Architecture), so Intel had it made. They made a processor that could achieve a high operating frequency at the cost of its heat output, power requirements, and over all performance. Compared to most other processors of the time (AMDs line) the Netburst (pentiums) were "ultra fail" as they were just super clocked, overheating, glued together pieces of mess.
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