Holy hell thats a killer texture, havent even watched the video yet. 2am really should hit the hay lesson at 9, oh well
What was the deal with the offsetting at the start, did you render it to a texture via max and it cut it up for you? Slightly confused, also, high res overlay whats that? :P
Last edited by Limited; May 1st, 2008 at 08:38 PM.
I was offsetting things so I could make sure that when I finished painting, the texture would tile perfectly without having ugly lines. Just layer by layer.
Also, for those of you confused, ctrl+f repeats the last filter you used. Which is why I was offsetting all the layers without going to the menu.
Also, don't download brushes. Thats no fun. Just get an a3 white piece of paper, lay down some news paper behind it, and throw some paint (any paint will do) and dirt and stuff at it, take a photo without flash, wack it into photoshop and adjust it so it works like a brush should. That's how I make all my "grunge" brushes. You can actually make some really fucking cool (and really fucking hi res) brushes doing a real life method. Whether your throwing a bunch of leaves at some paper, sneezing on it, doesn't matter. You can use it.
Also, it was a high pass overlay (not a hi res overlay xD) of the bump map that I fucked up with a brushing using the most common grey area in that layer. Basically, much quicker and easier than doing and inner and outer glow to all the layers, and it gives you some variance to the edge rather than a perfect width around the whole thing.
Last edited by DaneO'Roo; May 2nd, 2008 at 11:23 PM.
Dane gave me permission to share this: http://t1xanton.com/files/Videos/tut..._Tutorials.rar
It's a compression of both of his tutorials, it's only 100 MB, (10 more than this one alone). Thanks Dane.
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