whoa this is liike
the first time Ive ever seen atty do moderation stuff
Some people seem to be misunderstanding what I was getting at. I'm not worried about the rep system or social classes (though there are some problems there that I think need to be adressed). I'm worried about two main problems branching from the fact that new members see other people doing stuff and then (A) assume that it's how they should always act and end up shitting on everything they touch, followed by (B) them getting massively butthurt when people call them out on it. This applies to both off-topic (which is what finally set me off to make this) and criticsm of work that is posted.
This is what really set me off. It's one thing to have the occasional shitpost as long as it's entertaining. Unless you're a complete tightass, I think everyone likes it when there's an informal atmosphere and people feel like they can have fun. It's quite another thing when you repeatedly make bad posts with out-of-context content or, as I said in the first post, irritatingly unfunny attempts at humor.
Sometimes people are funny with shitposts, but sometimes is just sometimes.
You have a point, but I don't entirely agree with you. It's not cool when people blindly follow others. It's not cool when people are dicks to each other for no reason other than to be dicks.
But some people are simply in a better position to hand out criticism than others - especially people like Snaf and Dane who actually have jobs. Yes, it can be painful, but also remind yourself of why they feel a need to be so harsh. Too often, people (by no means you, you're pretty cool) will simply not respond to criticism unless it's like that and they need to either get with it or get out. Yes, it's not ideal and sets a bad example, but that's also where the responsibilty of the new members comes in. That's the thing about being new - you can't act like you have all the experience of an industry veteran, because you don't. They speak with years of experince, so if they tell you you suck, chances are you really do suck (either in work or in attitude).
Of course, it's not right to be an ass without reason... but a lot of the time I think there's a pretty good reason. Some people just don't get it unless you yell at them. Personal grudges and outright trolling for the sake of trolling without a good reason are another matter, which would fall under more "general" forum bullshit. I hate drama like that as much as anyone else.
It's not quite like that either. Some people joined many years ago (and have even been around since gearbox) but are still "lower class" because they constantly fuck up. I said it before and I'll say it again - experience isn't some magical amount of time - as you make it out to be with your high school analogy - but a measure of how much you "get it." Look at someone like Terror - he's been in this branch of the community for far longer than some people here, but he just doesn't seem to understand how we work. Hence, he has a very bad reputation (and by a related note, a very low rep).
I don't want to get yelled at for being too supportive of an imperfect system, but the same is pretty much true of rep as well. For the record, I'm not talking about that system at all in my first post. I'd say that a good amount of rep is deserved; see Snaf's post for a pretty good summation of my opinions regarding it if you don't want to read me basically retype what he said. If you make good, intelligent, or genuinely funny posts, you can expect good rep, and if you make illogical, irritating, or unfunny posts you can expect bad rep. If you say you don't care about it then don't care about it. If you've learned your lesson, then show us. "Stupid shit" is what I'm pissed off about after all - just do shit that isn't stupid and you'll see your rep climb.
Something that really does irritate me about peoples use of it is that they need to keep in mind that it's a general reflection of peoples' opinions of you. You can argue that it's given out unfairly and whatnot, but that still boils down to being an indicator of how well-liked you are. Yes, that's ultimately about popularity, but that's exactly what rep is. Popularity. There have been countless well-thought-out posts on the subject that I think need to be dug up again, because they say this far more eloquently than I am right now. I won't deny the biases of the system, but reputation is NOT the major problem that it's made out to be.
All in all, Ifafudafi said it best.
People with high rep and/or status usually have it for a reason. Ditto for those with low rep and/or status.
And now I'm seriously going off on a tangent, but I think it's something that also deserves being talked about.
If you don't want shit to get started, then don't start it. This doesn't just apply to your particular side of this particular argument, so don't think I'm singling you out (especially since my last 3 responses have been to you). I'm sick of people who bring up arguments only to whine about them when it's over. If you want to debate people over religion or world conflicts or whatever, be sure that you're prepared to (A) lose that argument and (B) take it somewhere else if it gets out-of-hand. Also, I don't mean this in an intentionally demeaning way, but keep in mind that the minority opinion is always going to have trouble when it's surrounded by the oposition. If it really offends you then you have every right to bring it up... but remember that most people on the site aren't put off by much of that stuff. This isn't a country - it's a forum.
I sincerely urge you all to look long and hard at Snaf's, P0lar's, and Teekup's posts. We're all saying the same stuff.
I think its more that people that join aren't used to the tone you guys have.
It comes off dickish but they dont see the constructive criticism in it, they just see
and notwrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong.
I also agree that the way that people who dont know shit (like me) will tend to agree with the guy with more reputation_pos.gif's or the older join date.wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong. wrong.
Fix this. Fix this. Fix this. Fix this. Fix this. Fix this. Fix this.
You will see me voice my opinion regardless what Lag, Snaf, Dane etc. say. I think what I want to think and not what the community wants me to think.
Its not about what you think you should think, its about what you think.
Its like the freshman in highschool talking something he knows nothing about, agreeing his ass off with the upper classmen. He doesn't think that..he is just agreeing to avoid "GARBLEGARBLE FUCKING IDIOT GARBLEGARBLE."
If these new members would grow some balls and stand up (not be little uppity cunts...just hold their own opinion) to the wills of the upper classmen of this forum then the whole place would flow better.
And if your here for lulz only....
you aren't funny
Okay dark. I know I wasn't targeted but I know I am one of these.
Thing is..I don't go after you unless you do first. I am not one of those "Your an idiot because of your beliefs" atheist. I think you are entitled to your own beliefs and expression of it.
With that said, I know a good majority of the posters here are atheist or can take a joke. Any time I got on your balls about religion I was just razzing your berries. I think religion is great if its for you. Its not for me.
When I post an atheistic picture its for the rest of the community to lul at, not to be an insult to you.
I never meant to offend you but I may have so I want to say that it was never my intention.
Last edited by Heathen; January 30th, 2009 at 04:08 PM.
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