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Thread: OpenSauce SDK for Halo CE 1.08

  1. #321
    Back for the Russian Halo p0lar_bear's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Why the hell shouldn't kornman "open the doors"? Because we're all retards who don't know how to code? Because you're speshul for knowing how the engine works and you fear that if other people know stuff, you won't be so speshul? It's true that there are virtually no Win32 programmers in the CE community, but that isn't a reason to withhold resources from the general community.

    It may be a waste of time, but if you knew anything about CE's history, you would know that the information pool has grown since CE's release, where all we had was a single tutorial on how to create a collision BSP and import it into the game. And guess who filled the pool? Everyone. If it weren't for people exploring and adding their knowledge and resources to the general collective, CE would have gone belly-up quicker than Halo 2 for Windows Vista.

    I'm not saying that you need to tell us everything you need to know right now, but that you shouldn't be criticizing someone on releasing potentially valuable tools and information because the community is incapable or because knowing this information somehow makes you special.

    PS: Snaf's post was correct, thank you very much. Plz2b fucking you're saelf.
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  2. #322
    got dam forumers.... SnaFuBAR's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by Eluveitie View Post
    Seems like Korn and me have to commit suicide then. You shouldn't talk about a subject you don't know anything about. And no, don't even compare this to 3d modeling.
    I don't need to know jack shit about something to know you're being an immature crybaby prick. No, no dyslexia, it was an inside joke that is used around here. Nice attempt. BTW, your reading comprehension is lacking if you can't tell I was suggesting you off yourself because of your uptight attitude. Just because you've been working at something for years doesn't mean jack shit when it comes to other people developing something. So like i said, kill yourself, or answer why he shouldn't open the doors for others. Your years of work and selfishness is not applicable.
    Last edited by SnaFuBAR; March 31st, 2009 at 06:40 PM.
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  3. #323
    Senior Membe Syuusuke's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Not applicable to Karnmon00 unless you plead and plead and possibly pleasure him.

    Thanks for visiting again Patrick.
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  4. #324
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    This has absolutely nothing todo with "crybaby" or me losing status. I had never had any problems sharing my knowledge with other people...Korn was always the one keeping everything in the dark. He was the one having all the knowledge for 3 years and he didn't share it and now that it's basically dead he releases something...but I don't blame him...I can understand him.

    There is a difference between giving out a source code or sharing knowledge. Grenadic showed us the map file structure and didn't release a source code so we could have 5 versions of HMT.

    This source code only extends knowledge to just a few people so don't pretend that this is something useful for the community if only 3 people can really even read it.

    I don't really care but you guys are always the ones starting to cry about any type of Bots...well here are your "doors" to it.

    Don't talk about CE's histroy. I was there back then when you registered.

    Don't call me selffish as I have shared my knowledge more openly than Korn. I don't care about your little forum inside jokes...if you people don't have a real social life I don't care if you shat bricks or fucked you're self.
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  5. #325
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    just b/c you think there are only 3 ppl in this "coumminty" doesn't mean there is. There are lurkers, passer-bys, academics and potentials who may use the source as a starting ground for what is a new science to them. Don't think so relative. The knowledge is never for anyone to give out unless from the original creator(s). I didn't make the engine and neither did you.
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  6. #326
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Wouldn't u like to know?

    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Eluve why do you even care? Anyways, Korn, I'm taking a look at Open Sauce in-depth for once. It seems Open Sauce doesn't play with MS VS C++ 2008 very well but hey it opened right up. ^_^. If I have problems playing with it I'm going straight here. Also, what areas do you recommend to look at first? I did main.cpp but I can't decide where to go from there.
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  7. #327
    $20 bill y'all Bodzilla's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornman00 View Post
    just b/c you think there are only 3 ppl in this "coumminty" doesn't mean there is. There are lurkers, passer-bys, academics and potentials who may use the source as a starting ground for what is a new science to them. Don't think so relative. The knowledge is never for anyone to give out unless from the original creator(s). I didn't make the engine and neither did you.
    Im with KM on this one.

    he's done so much for the community already, and all to lend us a hand.
    it would of been easier for him to not bother and leave this community rot but because of him where still here.
    Modacity exists and so does it's little community.

    He's already proven his worth time and time again, and where yet to see you come up with anything for us, so why should we listen to you.

    E: alias's for the loose.
    Last edited by Bodzilla; April 2nd, 2009 at 01:19 AM.
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  8. #328
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by Dwood View Post
    Also, what areas do you recommend to look at first? I did main.cpp but I can't decide where to go from there.
    main.cpp has all the component initialization references, just trace the call graph for each component (ie, Console or GameState) to see whats being done behind the scenes.
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  9. #329

    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kornman00 View Post
    Sorry, have to use my iPod for replying still. Not the best foruming method
    Use your iPod to read my PM about the Delaggonator.
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  10. #330
    left halo
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    Re: Seven ate Nein...

    Quote Originally Posted by Eluveitie View Post
    Your still a selfish faggot.
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