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Thread: Open Sauce Ideas thread

  1. #201
    Senior Member Rentafence's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhydgaled View Post
    Probablly just as impossible as I expect most of the ideas in my main post where, but for most of those I still haven't had anyone tell me for sure that they are impossible.
    I thought this was in the options for a custom gametype.
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  2. #202

    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by CtrlAltDestroy View Post
    an effect thats scaled by the shield function (inverse, in this case) of the biped, pretty straightforward.
    Ahh, functions. I haven't messed with them too much, but they seem pretty nifty. I'll have to look into it
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  3. #203
    HA10 Limited's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rhydgaled View Post
    Just had another idea come to me, which has probablly been mentioned anyway and I can't be bothered to add a discription right now but I thourght I should make sure the idea gets out there.

    A system to prevent anyone who is carrying the flag or bomb from entering vehicles, except from seats that don't allow you to drive and allow you to use your own weapon.

    Probablly just as impossible as I expect most of the ideas in my main post where, but for most of those I still haven't had anyone tell me for sure that they are impossible.
    pretty sure that is possible. It might not be able to fully prevent it, what might have to happen is when they get in the seat if they have the flag they get ejected, if they don't they stay in. Pretty sure it could have to be run on the dedicated server although the local host might be able to handle the checks.

    Things are coming along with some new stuff Skyline and I are working on, release soon maybe...
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  4. #204
    Senior Member Rambo's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Kornman, I know this is a crazy request, but could you (for shits and giggles) up the BSP count to the maximum possible (or 255 BSPs) if allowed? That way, anyone can do whatever they want lighting wise with the BSP as they see fit.

    My day-night system uses 12 BSPs for day, 3 BSPs for transitions between night and dawn, and 1 for night. I know I sound like a complete idiot, but if I had 128 BSPs I could do 64 for day and 64 for night, providing really smooth transitions of lighting across the map as the animated sun moves in the sky.

    Also, another request. Right now, only eight skies are supported per scenario. Could you up that as well? Right now we're using an animated skybelt model for the custom sky with a static hemi for the moving stars. If we had a lot more skies to play with, we could do killer skies (taken from real life photos) that have beautiful sunrises and sunsets to complement the many BSP switches. Granted, the map file would be absolutely gargantuous, but it would offer an amazing experience for CE players.

    One final thing. Please include a way to sync BSPs and devices over the netcode so that we don't have to do so with bipeds. They are bulky and ineffective and a poly / render hog.

    I have complaints of lag on my map from some of the users with incorrect graphics settings and / or slower machines with not much RAM. I removed the bipeds just to see what would happen and a good portion of the lag went away, but so did the day-night system. Syncing on-the-fly objects would be a real beauty to add.

    So yeah. Please up the BSPs as high as you can within reason, add support for more skies likewise, and try to get device syncing in with other possible syncing. Thanks.
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  5. #205
    おはようございます klange's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    That would make for a ridiculously massive map file...
    Last edited by klange; July 21st, 2009 at 04:50 PM.
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  6. #206
    Senior Member Rambo's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by AdmiralBacon View Post
    That would make for an ridiculously massive map file...
    Indeed, as I am well aware of. However, unless they manage to allow for on-the-fly Lightmaps swaping via a drop-down list in the Lightmaps part of the BSP tag, there is no way in HELL we're going to be able to consolidate the necessary Lightmaps to one BSP.

    Which takes more? Lightmap data, or BSP data? I'd say the latter, not the former.

    Kornman, if you could also incorporate a dev command that awitches lightmaps (e.g. switch_lightmap) and (structure_lightmap_index), we could, in theory, solve this huge BSP crisis with on-the-fly lightmap switching via the same or similar method as BSP switching.
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  7. #207

    Exclamation Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    I've come up with some other ideas and I'll try to remember them here:

    Point and click banning/kicking. Hold down a button, possibly F1 (the scoreboard button) and use the mouse to select a player, right click, and click BAN, or KICK. The action is automatically carried out.

    Make banning and kicking possible without ever having to put -console in the desktop icon target thingy.

    Banned player timers, set when banning, which indicate when the ban time will be up (ten years, a week, a month, etc.). Corresponding message that appears when banned or trying to join a banned server that shows how long you've been banned for, when it happened, and why (with reason put in by the server admin).

    Command menu for other commands, using a box which has various commands in group boxes, with variables that can be set by the mouse. Setting said variables is accomplished by clicking a scroll box (one that shows a number or sentence/words, that expands when clicked, with more options in the expanded section, and the currently selected one highlighted, sorry I'm forgetting what this was called but I assumed it was the scroll box).

    Please DO NOT make it impossible to drive a vehicle when holding the flag. This is halo one, not two or three, and stealing the flag would be nearly impossible without it. Requiring someone else to drive would require some good teamwork, and that isn't possible without some team work communication. Simple text chat isn't going to cut it. Things like communication macros ("I need a driver!", "I need a gunner!", "Help!", "Sniper!", "Guard the flag carrier!", etc.) and possibly voice chat would be wonderful.

    Different more realistic player character colors, the ones currently in the games selections screen aren't very much like the in game (while playing) versions. Simple screen shots of the in game color would suffice, edited to only display the character (or some background, if that looks better or something).

    HUD changes, like the word "Energy Shield" next to your shield bar, and "Heath" next to your health bar. As a newbie I didn't know what those were for, or that I had low health. The "+" symbol and the shield symbol were lost to me, I only recently figured out what they are (the symbols, not the shield and health).
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  8. #208
    Senior Member Hunter's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    I can see map files being 1GB soon :P Bigger = better.
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  9. #209
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Hunter View Post
    I can see map files being 1GB soon :P Bigger = better.
    Except the part where it takes almost an hour to download the whole thing.
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  10. #210
    Senior Member Rambo's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Not necessarily so. Blood Creek is reaching 300 MB in the test version, and when I 7-Zip it he drops to 30. He...the map...whatever. I just call it something. Ya know, how come people call their computer a he or a she when explaining its stats. lol

    At any rate, if people used good compression utilities and not this ZIP crap, we wouldn't have much of a problem. The multiple BSPs DO take up space, but when you compress it the space drops signifficantly. It's mainly raw data like compressed sounds and bitmaps that take up the most room.
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