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Thread: Open Sauce Ideas thread

  1. #231
    おはようございます klange's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Limited View Post
    He means like Halo 3, where you can sit back and watch the action unfold.
    Again... that's not entirely accurate, and I've said too much. Trust me.
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  2. #232
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by MissingSpartan7 View Post
    1. have a "spectator" mode which makes the player basically just a flying camera?
    2. have a sort of "theatre" mode? (or watch a previous game from the view of another player)
    1 will only be possible with client-to-server apps, and will not likely be included in Open Sauce. If you want something like that you best be talkin' to IGM.

    2. This is possible however how I think this to be possible is not plausible.
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  3. #233
    Senior Member Rambo's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    The replaying of games played won't work. It would involve coding a whole new feature that involves saving a file that contains control data and real-time game data, or at best, an AVI of the game, which would be almost impossible to add to the game engine, but a waste of time.

    If you really care to watch replays of your game, use FRAPS or Xfire video.

    Sorry man, but let's try to think realistic. Poor Kornman00 has enough on his plate. He doesn't need crazy ideas that are hardly if at all possible. Besides, it would involve modifying the Halo Executable, most likely.

    Nice ideas, but they don't seem feasible, however.
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  4. #234
    Sarcastic Bitch
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambo View Post
    The replaying of games played won't work. It would involve coding a whole new feature that involves saving a file that contains control data and real-time game data, or at best, an AVI of the game, which would be almost impossible to add to the game engine, but a waste of time.
    You have no idea what you are talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rambo View Post
    Besides, it would involve modifying the Halo Executable, most likely.
    This only reinforces my above statement. You obviously do not even know what an OS dll does.
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  5. #235
    Two rep bars! TomClancy's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Not sure if this is remotely possible or if it even belongs in here, but a Gungame type gametype? I thought it be might applicable because it requires some form of scripting which OS may be able to assist in? I don't know, this is outside my realm of knowledge so I'm just shooting into darkness, to be honest.
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  6. #236
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Kornman we need to talkkkkk - a friend and I just got done coding a .dll that for all intents and purposes acts as a devmode toggle + dev trainer, and I want to inject that dll into Halo through Open Sauce.

    Here's it... "working" :

    <I was retarded in this post>
    Last edited by Dwood; March 4th, 2010 at 04:10 PM.
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  7. #237
    HA10 Limited's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    You'd have to recode it all I side of the Open Saucd project. Look at code already released to help.
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  8. #238
    InnerGoat killed my dakimakura waifu because I didn't post my desk :( jcap's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Fix the camera code! No third person camera tricks work because you can't aim for shit. I know bitterbanana put his code in there, but something is wrong with it. Didn't he make a third person app that worked fine for aiming?
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  9. #239
    Kid in the Hall Kornman00's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Dwood View Post
    kornman won't respond to my pm's or posts...
    I don't really post "work" related posts until the weekend, when I'm not actually performing my IRL job during the day.

    Open Sauce should NOT be used to load more DLLs which further alter the game. Don't think you can circumvent the source code license. If you (talking in general here) dare not follow the license and release something OS based without the changes to the source code, you are officially going against community development and are subject to copyleft infringement. I've put the time and effort to put out this shit to you guys for free (because it would just be silly to charge without actual permission to do this from MS\Bungie) and the least any future developers can do is uphold the license agreement of the source code. Don't be the one to ruin it for everyone else. This may be the last official update to Open Sauce, but it doesn't mean I won't release some more works (not specifically just source code or software) down the line for people to reference.

    With that said, everything you do should be done via the Open Sauce channel to keep things consistent and ran\installed from a single source.

    Just because you can't aim for shit jcap doesn't give you the right to bitch about camera tricks! Also, if you're referring to the code that came in the initial release, that game extension code for the camera was commented out (thus not executed) should have more sense when going about enabling code which wasn't enabled by default in an initial release. BB may have done such an app, but it was probably when he was still doing his stuff in VB (poor bloke )

    EDIT: I wasn't jumping the gun, I was laying down the rules before anyone got any funny ideas. Like I said, I was speaking in general, not to any one person. If you're wating to incorporate it into Open Sauce then just modify the Yelo code base. However, devmode isn't required when using OS and forcing expressions to the console isn't the most efficent way to do that flickering wireframe effect
    Last edited by Kornman00; July 30th, 2009 at 01:08 PM.
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  10. #240
    Neanderthal Dwood's Avatar
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    Re: Open Sauce Ideas thread

    whoa whoa jumping the gun there sparky. I have the code and will release it however I either want a way to inject it or incorporate it into Open Sauce.

    (heh... i called you sparky)

    Edit b/c of Korn's edit: Okay then what section of Open Sauce do I reference/use?

    <I was retarded in this post>
    Last edited by Dwood; March 4th, 2010 at 04:10 PM.
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