Perhaps, but I didn't think it was to the point that we remove a sticky. :/
Yes you can. It's called:
unit_set_current_flashlight_state (unit (list_get (ai_actors louis) 0)) true
louis = AI name.
To get a flashlight state, do the following:
if (= (unit_get_current_flashlight_state (unit (list_get (ai_actors louis) 0)))true
true could be false but it needs to be in an if statement.
I find this ammusing how people seem to neglect the basics and overcomplicate things. Then again, I am just as guilty in my own way, so what the hell?
But yes, you can use unit commands with AI. Just reference ai_actors ainame, rather than players and playernumber.
As far as making camera screens and the like, probably not as that would require full access to the rasterizer code to render the scene for each camera location and I don't think that kind of access is going to be possible without Halo's source.
However, I've been trying out an idea to steal a texture when it's created in DirectX and copying what's on the screen to that texture so that something like the sniper scope could be achieved, but it's not working for some reason.
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