My CPU fan sucks air in, and blows air out the side. So there's a fan there to help blow air onto the fan, and another on the back of the case to blow air out. The bottom one is reversed because my video card's fan just spits out hot air everywhere (sucks in from the bottom of the case and spits it out the side), so that fan just pulls all the hot air out. If I reversed the fans they'd both be working against what's already happening inside the case :x
e: And they are retarded fans - SpeedFan and my BIOS report that they're spinning at around 150,000 RPM. But they're quiet, and that's all I really care about. My CPU fan sounded like a vacuum cleaner was started up outside my door when I was in the middle of a game. It's still pretty noisy though - planning on getting a new heatsink soon.