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Then how do we get the DLL to recognize map resources or at best, program it into the DLL as a recompile?
Because, when making a complicated day-night system where the lightmap needs to sync according to the biped killed, you don't want it to just switch Lightmap because then it might get stuck without a check. That's why I incorporated a check function such as structure_lightmap_index to make sure that if someone tries to glitch the lightmaps or BSP switches by selecting a BSP or lightmap other than the one in use to purposefully mess up the time of day to gain an unfair advantage over someone, they cannot. With a complex but robust checking system, the lightmap would be able to be locked to where it is, but that could only be done via a structure_lightmap_index command.
Furthermore, I want to have the ambient sounds change according to what time of day it is (e.g. crickets and owls for night time and birds and cicadas for daytime). One could easily do this in a cluster portal, but I'm using sound scenery to make the experience more "full" sounding, if you know what I mean.
So I should set switch_lightmap as a string argument and the return should be a boolean, correct? What should the structure_lightmap_index be?