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Thread: The Windows 8 and other failed Microsoft products thread - Windows 8 "relaunches" Feb

  1. #11
    InnerGoat killed my dakimakura waifu because I didn't post my desk :( jcap's Avatar
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    Re: Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download

    If we all work together (everyone, not just Modacity), maybe we can spread enough hate and bad news about Windows 8 to give it a terrible reputation before launch. Ballmer is rumored to retire after Windows 8's release. He thinks it's going to be successful so he'll leave on a high note, at which point Sinofsky will take over. Sinofsky is the bastard who destroyed Windows. Windows 8 basically NEEDS to be a collossal failure. If Windows 8 trips and falls flat on its face as it exits the gate, there may be enough pressure put on Microsoft by the press and its general customers to ditch the upper management and hire people who are actually competent.

    You know you're missing your target when Mac users say:

    "... and this is why I use a Mac. This new Windows looks awful from a user experience standpoint."
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  2. #12

    Re: Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download

    Out of curiousity I went over to /g/ on 4chan to see what they all had to say.

    They are not happy.
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  3. #13
    InnerGoat killed my dakimakura waifu because I didn't post my desk :( jcap's Avatar
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    Re: Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download

    Anyone have any gifs that mock the state of Windows 8 right now?

    You know, like the ones about Ubisoft and DRM, etc.
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  4. #14
    [HIV]zero/acbluflame NullZero's Avatar
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    Re: Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download

    Ahahaha jcap, when I scrolled down and saw a long post <3

    It's becoming a rule of thumb:- if the current version of windows is decent, you can expect the next one to suck ass.
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  5. #15
    ∫e^x = Sex Mr Buckshot's Avatar
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    Re: Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download

    Quote Originally Posted by StankBacon View Post
    yah i already booted back into windows.

    only good for tablet pcs.
    don't insult real tablet PCs like the lenovo thinkpads with their awesome pens - which work much better on normal desktop UIs anyway.

    it's only good for those "oversized smartphone" type of tablets which I absolutely have no use for. Tablet =/= tablet PC, just as finger =/= stylus

    Quote Originally Posted by jcap View Post
    If we all work together (everyone, not just Modacity), maybe we can spread enough hate and bad news about Windows 8 to give it a terrible reputation before launch. Ballmer is rumored to retire after Windows 8's release. He thinks it's going to be successful so he'll leave on a high note, at which point Sinofsky will take over. Sinofsky is the bastard who destroyed Windows. Windows 8 basically NEEDS to be a collossal failure. If Windows 8 trips and falls flat on its face as it exits the gate, there may be enough pressure put on Microsoft by the press and its general customers to ditch the upper management and hire people who are actually competent.

    You know you're missing your target when Mac users say:

    "... and this is why I use a Mac. This new Windows looks awful from a user experience standpoint."
    Won't it be a massive success just based on the fact that anyone buying a prebuilt desktop or laptop will be forced to use it?

    Quote Originally Posted by jcap View Post
    If IE's history is anything to go by, maybe they'll finally do something when Windows has only 40% market share left.
    haha THIS. I heard IE9 is an improvement but the reputation is so bad that it's way too late to convince people to switch back. Even my grandma is aware enough to open IE just once to download a new browser and never touch it again.

    Last edited by Mr Buckshot; February 29th, 2012 at 01:45 PM.
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  6. #16

    Re: Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Buckshot View Post

    don't insult real tablet PCs like the lenovo thinkpads with their awesome pens - which work much better on normal desktop UIs anyway.

    it's only good for those "oversized smartphone" type of tablets which I absolutely have no use for. Tablet =/= tablet PC, just as finger =/= stylus

    yeah this. I've got an HP TX 2510us and it's stylus is fantastic.

    I'd never use that shit with windows 8 though
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  7. #17
    HA10 Limited's Avatar
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    Re: Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download

    The problem is, too much focus has been put onto tablet computing, and they arent talking it like Windows 7: Tablet Version! No instead they want everyone to use it - its not going to happen.

    He spent about 40 seconds mentioning 2 features of 'proper' windows that are of any interest - task manager and file copy. Okay I liked those bits but is that all Windows 8 has to offer? Is that the best new thing? Come on Microsoft.

    Power users have been kicked in the balls regarding Windows 8, I dont even class it as a new version. To me Windows 8 is like Windows ME. It was Windows 95 after drinking a Redbull, a few new tweaks but not worthy of a new version.
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  8. #18

    Re: Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download

    I thought the rule of thumb was that every second OS was shit?

    2000 - Good.
    ME - Shit.
    XP - Good.
    Vista- Shit.
    7 - Good.
    8 - Shit.
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  9. #19
    Slightly Insane JackalStomper's Avatar
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    Re: Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download

    Halo 4 PC

    Windows 8 exclusive!
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  10. #20
    Amit's Avatar
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    Re: Windows 8 Consumer Preview available for download

    Quote Originally Posted by Cortexian View Post
    I thought the rule of thumb was that every second OS was shit?

    2000 - Good.
    ME - Shit.
    XP - Good.
    Vista- Shit.
    7 - Good.
    8 - Shit.
    ^^ despite my frustration with windows 8, I always knew that was true. It's just that I thought they would have learned after the failure that was vista and the massive success that was 7.

    Quote Originally Posted by JackalStomper View Post
    Halo 3 PC

    Windows 8 exclusive!
    People would crack it to work with 7 like they did with Halo 2 and XP.
    Last edited by Amit; February 29th, 2012 at 05:23 PM.
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