or you can hatch the egg to grow a chicken that'll live longer than the otherwise already egg laying chicken.
eggs come from cows
Originally Posted by CN3089 #1 post on r/bitcoin: suicide hotline lmbo thats not funny my girlfriend left me over this recent crash
u had to sell your haruhi bodypillow to make rent??
hehe down down down! good thing i sold my ltc when they were more than double current value
New CUDAMiner, 30% increase in khash/s... Went from about 330~ to 440~. Still way worse than AMD.
Originally Posted by =sw=warlord or you can hatch the egg to grow a chicken that'll live longer than the otherwise already egg laying chicken. Nope. You can do that with the eggs you get from the chicken, you don't need another egg. What you need is a rooster.
Originally Posted by Cortexian New CUDAMiner, 30% increase in khash/s... Went from about 330~ to 440~. Still way worse than AMD. Why does amd rape nvidia so badly? am confused.
CUDAMiner much new. V unoptimize.
Originally Posted by Dwood Why does amd rape nvidia so badly? am confused. http://www.extremetech.com/computing...bitcoin-mining
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