These are the people behind them. they give them pills, it's not their own will.
If everything is not achieved, then we will declare the march. We wil declare the great march. Yesbecause Ocelot is the great leader. Millions of people defend me. I am calling upon the millions, from one end of the internet to the other.
And we will march in our millions to purify Modacity post by post, member by member, topic by topic, section by section. Until the forum is clean of the dirt and impurities. We cannot allow to lose Modacity unjustified for the wrong reasons!!!! Who would allow that!? On my side I have millions of people, and Kornman00 who has triumphed me against the great power.
I have millions, not from the inside but from other entities. And I am now calling upon all the millions that stand by me. From the ends of the internet, millions will march. Millions will march and no one will be able to stop them! Quickly, save yourselves before we begin the march! Tonight will be a peaceful march from inside our posts and topics, to help our people, and apprehend those who harm them. If that doesn't work, there will be another march, and you'll know where it comes from.
Then there will be the official march, wich I will lead. Because Modacity is the mother of all halo forums. Yes, Modacity is globally recognized!
And I am staying, don't let them tell you lies. Me, go to Halomaps? My God. Me, leave the place that is the heart of Halo and go to Halomaps!? By god, and the history records it?
You believe that? These are the lies. Didn't they tell you yesterday that I was at Halomaps? And here I am. These people are the biggest enemy, and they're on to you! They want you to destroy the rules, the freedom, our bonds and Modacity, because they are jealous of you!!! Our brothers at halomaps and bungie, is this the end of it? Is that the friendschip we had between us? You go against us in everything? Instead of standing with us you go against us, for whose benefit!!!??? You may regret this when it's too late! People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones!! Who are you!?
It' time to work! It' time to march! It' time to triumph!